
Current Officers

Class President …………………………………Laurie Saroff ‘90
Class President …………………………………Judith Tabron ‘90
Annual Fund Class Chair …………………Helena Cole ‘90
Annual Fund Class Chair …………………Rhonda R. Newton ‘90
Class Editor……………………………………..Jennifer Bohn ‘90
Reunion Manager………………………………Penny Pollister Price ‘90
Webmistress……………………………………… Anne M. Fry ‘90

Class contact

Duties of the Class Officers

The Class President (or Co-President, should the class so designate), is the chief administrator of the class. She coordinates all class activities and the work of the other class officers, and serves as the liaison with the Alumnae Association and the College.


Arrange at least one meeting or conference call per year with class officers

Send out at least one letter or newsletter per year to classmates with reports from other class officers

Coordinate with Reunion Manager(s) during the planning and scheduling of Reunion

Attend Reunion

Preside at the class meeting, held during the class Reunion at the end of her 5-year term

Attend Class Officer training in Fall after election

Attend Volunteer Training Weekend at the College 18 months before class Reunion

Fill vacancies for other class officers, as needed

Work with Class Editors to notify classmates of deaths


The Class Editor (or Co-Editors, if the class so chooses) is elected at Reunion to serve until her next Reunion. The Class Editor’s primary responsibility is to write a biannual column for the Bulletin presenting news of classmates. Class Notes Editors are responsible for the accuracy of the material they report. They gather news from classmates in a variety of ways (for example, via a ―broadcast email), and the Assistant Editor will routinely send to Class Editors news that comes to the office via emails, annual giving flaps, press releases, etc. Classmates are encouraged to write directly to their Class Editors, whose contact information is listed in the Bulletin.


Collect and edit correspondence from classmates for the Class Notes section of the Bulletin.

Meet all deadlines for the publication of Class Notes in the Bulletin.

Report the deaths of classmates to the Assistant Editor, as well as write obituaries for the Bulletin, or find a classmate who would be an appropriate author for the obituary. If there is no information on the deceased alumanae/i, contact the Assistant Editor for help in writing an obituary.

Help coordinate Reunion survey and class book publication for class Reunion, if requested.

Attend class officer meetings and/or conference calls as needed.

Class Notes for even years appear in the spring and fall issues, odd years in winter and summer. Obituaries may appear in any issue, if there is room. Class Editors should receive your news no later than: November 1 for Spring (even classes); February 1 for Summer (odd classes); April 1 for Fall (even classes); July 15 for Winter (odd classes).

The views expressed in Class Notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the Bulletin, the Alumnae Association, or the College. For more information on Bulletin policies and deadlines, contact the Assistant Editor of the Bulletin in the Alumnae Association Office. REUNION MANAGER

The Reunion Manager is appointed by the Class President or elected by classmates at the class meeting during the previous reunion. Her primary responsibilities are to act as a liaison between the class and the College while planning Reunion.


Attend Volunteer Training Weekend at the College 20 months and 8 months prior to class Reunion

Attend planning meetings or conference calls with the staff 8-10 months prior to Reunion

Work with other class officers and staff contact to coordinate details of class activities during Reunion weekend

Work with Class President and Nominating Committee members to recruit and manage additional Reunion Volunteers

Attend Reunion


The Webmistress is selected by the Nominating Committee or Class President based upon technological capabilities relation to web design and maintenance. The Class Webmistress works with the Alumnae Association staff and her classmates to maintain the form and integrity of her class website.


Update and maintain a functioning website for the class

Expand on-line services and capabilities commensurate with interests of classmates and the College

Enforce guidelines pertaining to content as set forth by the Executive Board, the Alumnae Association, and the College

Annual Fund Class Chair

The Annual Fund Class Chair has the responsibility to generate ongoing support for Annual Fund giving among classmates. She drafts a class solicitation letter to be used in the spring appeal to classmates, attends Alumnae Volunteers Weekend to participate in fundraising training workshops, helps set strategies to meet participation and dollar goals for the coming year, and receives updates on the College’s program. She monitors the year-to-date progress of class giving, contacts classmates to remind them to make a gift this year and/or encourages them to consider increasing their gift, and participates in thanking classmates who have made gifts to the Annual Fund.